Metivta Tiferet Torah opened its doors in 2005 with the singular goal of providing a world class yeshiva for the Sephardic community. Since our founding, our mission has been to mold well-rounded Bnei Torah who are Baalei Middot Tovot, well educated, and have a strong sense of responsibility to their community and Klal Yisrael.
The Yeshiva is a branch of the famed Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim of Queens, and is under the guidance of its Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Dovid Harris shlita and Horava Akiva Grunblatt shlita. MTT is headed by Rabbi Nerya Aminov, Rabbi Nachum Zlotnick and Rabbi Tzvi Kramer. From our humble beginning with just a few talmidim, our Yeshiva has grown consistently with hundreds of talmidim passing through our doors
since then.
Our English department, headed by the very talented Rabbi Raphael Moskowitz, boasts a very rigorous program in Math, Science, ELA, with technology being a key component in the education of our talmidim to equip them for the world today.
We recently created a post high school program, Yeshiva Ateret Gavriel, for talmidim looking to expand their ruchniut and learning even further. The program has been a magnet for accomplished Bnei Torah and has blossomed into a formidable Makom Torah. The Beit Medrash adds a component of hashpha and mentorship for the high school Talmidim which is invaluable.
MTT is renowned for its warm Rebbeim and the strong ties that they develop with each talmid. Those bonds last long beyond their high school years and extend to their adult lives. Talmidim treasure their connection to their Rebbeim and stay in touch even after leaving.
The yeshiva takes pride in their alumni who have chosen a wide range of careers, from chinuch, rabbanut, kiruv, medicine, law, business and everything in between.